Papke, V., Wiglesworth, A., Carosella, K. A., Başgöze, Z., Green, A. E., Fiecas, M., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. (2025) Sexual Minority Stress: Preliminary Evidence of Accelerated Pubertal Development in Early Adolescence. Journal of Adolescence.
Nair, A. U., Klimes-Dougan, B., Başgöze, Z., Silamongkol, T., Roediger, D. J., Mueller, B. A., Albott, C. S., Croarkin, P. E., Lim, K. O., Widge, A., Nahas, Z., Eberly, L. E., Cullen, K. R., & Thai, M. E. (2025). Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Adolescents with Treatment-Resistant Depression: Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Clinical Improvement. Journal of Affective Disorders. 372, 665-675.
Poirot, M. G. Boucherie, D. E., Caan, M. W. A., Goya-Maldonado, R., Belov, B., Corruble, E., Colle, R., Couvy-Duchesne, B., Kamishikiryo, T., Shinzato, H., Ichikawa, N., Okada, G., Okamoto, Y., Harrison, B. J., Davey, C. G., Jamieson, A. J., Cullen, K. R., Başgöze, Z., … & Schrantee, A. (2025) Predicting Antidepressant Treatment Response From Cortical Structure on MRI: A Mega-Analysis From the ENIGMA-MDD Working Group. Human Brain Mapping, 46(1), 1-15.
Klimes-Dougan, B., Wiglesworth, A., Başgöze, Z., & Cullen, K.R. (2024). Seeing adolescents grow from many angles using a multilevel approach: A tribute to the contributions of Dante Cicchetti to the field of developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 1–13. doi:10.1017/S0954579424001123
Thai, M., Başgöze, Z., Westlund Schreiner M., Roediger, D. J., Falke, C.A., Mueller, B. A., Fiecas, M. B., Quevedo K., Pfeifer J. H., Klimes-Dougan, B., & Cullen, K. R. (2024). A multi-modal assessment of self-knowledge in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury: A Research Domains Criteria (RDoC) study. Psychological Medicine, Sep 9:1-12. doi: 10.1017/S0033291724001399. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39246282.
Belov, V., Erwin-Grabner, T., Aghajani, M., Aleman, A., Amod, A. R., Basgoze, Z., ... & ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group https://enigma. ini. usc. edu/ongoing/enigma-mdd-working-group/. (2024). Multi-site benchmark classification of major depressive disorder using machine learning on cortical and subcortical measures. Scientific reports, 14(1), 1084.
Carosella, K. A., Mirza, S. A., Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. (2023). Adolescent non-suicidal self-injury during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective longitudinal study of biological predictors of maladaptive emotion regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 151:106056.
Başgöze, Z., Demers, L., Thai, M., Falke, C. A., Roediger, D. J., Mueller, B. A., Fiecas, M. B., Thomas, K., Klimes-Dougan, B., Cullen. K. R. (2023). A Multi-Level Examination of Cognitive Control in Adolescents with Non-suicidal Self-Injury. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science. 3(4), 855-866.
Carosella, K. A., Wiglesworth, A., Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. 'The Brain and Body’s Threat-System Functioning in Those With NSSI', in Elizabeth Lloyd-Richardson, Imke Baetens, and Janis Whitlock (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (online edn, Oxford Academic, 23 Feb. 2023).
Carosella, K. A., Mirza, S. A., Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. (2023). Adolescent non-suicidal self-injury during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective longitudinal study of biological predictors of maladaptive emotion regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106056.
van Velzen, L. S., Dauvermann, M. R., Colic, L., Villa, L. M., Savage, H. S., Toenders, Y. J., Başgöze, Z., ... & Schmaal, L. (2022). Structural brain alterations associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young people: results from 21 international studies from the ENIGMA Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours consortium. Molecular psychiatry, 1-11.
Klimes-Dougan, B., Başgöze, Z., Mueller, B., Wiglesworth, A., Carosella, K. A., Westlund Schreiner, M., Bortnova, A., Reigstad, K., Cullen, K. R., & Gunlicks-Stoessel, M. (2022). Structural and Functional Neural Correlates of Treatment Response for Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(7), 1878.
Patel, Y., Shin, J., Abé, C., Agartz, I., Alloza, C., Alnæs, D., Başgöze, Z., .... & Skoch, A. (2022). Virtual ontogeny of cortical growth preceding mental illness. Biological Psychiatry, 92(4):299-313.
Campos, A. I., Van Velzen, L. S., Veltman, D. J., Pozzi, E., Ambrogi, S., Ballard, E. D., Nerisa, B, Başgöze Z.,.. & Renteria, M. E. (2021). Concurrent validity and reliability of suicide risk assessment instruments: A meta analysis of 20 instruments across 27 international cohorts. medRxiv.
Başgöze Z, Wiglesworth A, Carosella KA, Klimes-Dougan B, Cullen KR. Depression, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, and Suicidality in Adolescents: Common and Distinct Precursors, Correlates, and Outcomes. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science. 2021;6:e210018.
Başgöze, Z., Mirza S. A., Silamongkol, T., Hill, D., Falke, C., Thai, M., Westlund Schreiner, M., Parenteau, A. M., Roediger, D. J. , Hendrickson, T. J., Mueller, B. A., Fiecas, M. B., Klimes-Dougan, B., Cullen. K. R. (2021). Multi-modal assessment of Sustained Threat in Adolescents with Non-suicidal Self-Injury. Development and Psychopathology, 1–19.
Cholewiak, S.A. , Başgöze, Z., Cakmakci, O., Hoffman, D.M. and Cooper E.A. (2020). A Perceptual Eyebox for Near-eye displays. Optics Express, 28(25), 38008-38038. [code]
Thai, M., Başgöze, Z., Klimes-Dougan, B., Mueller, B.A., Fiecas, M., Lim, K.O., Albott, C. S., Cullen, K.R. (2020). Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Clinical Improvement to Ketamine in Adolescents With Treatment Resistant Depression. Front. Psychiatry 11:820.
Başgöze, Z., White, D.N. , Burge, J., and Cooper, E.A. (2020). Natural image statistics at depth edges modulate perceptual stability. Journal of Vision, 20(8):10. 1-21. [data/code]
Başgöze, Z, Gualtieri, J, Sachs, M.T., and Cooper, E.A. (2020). Navigational Aid Use by Individuals with Visual Impairments, Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, 8(19), 22-39.
Başgöze, Z, Mackey A.P., and Cooper, E.A. Plasticity and Adaptation in Adult Binocular Vision (2018). Current Biology, 28(24), PR1406-R1413.
Başgöze, Z., Gönül, A. S., Başkak B. , Gökçay, D. (2015). Valence-based Word-Face Stroop task reveals differential emotional interference in patients with major depression, Psychiatry Research, 229(3), 960-7.
Başgöze, Z. (2015). The localization of emotional stroop activations in healthy and major depressive disorder populations using fMRI, Middle East Technical University [Doctoral Dissertation]. Informatics Institute, Cognitive Science.
Musgrove, D. R., Eberly, L. E., Klimes-Dougan, B., Başgöze, Z., Thomas, K. M., Mueller, B. A., Houri, A., Lim, K. O., Cullen, K. R. (2015). Impaired Bottom-Up Effective Connectivity Between Amygdala and Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Unmedicated Adolescents with Major Depression: Results from a Dynamic Causal Modeling Analysis, Brain Connectivity, 5(10), 608-19.
Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K., Gokcay, D. (2014). Cognitive and emotional components of emotional conflict resolution: an fMRI study. Journal of Istanbul Medical School. Vol: 77, Supplement 1.
Başgöze, Z., & Inam, A. (2011). Epilogue: A Philosophical Perspective on Incorporating Emotions in Human Computer Interaction. In D. Gokcay, & G. Yildirim, Affective Computing and Interaction: Psychological, Cognitive and Neuroscientific Perspectives (pp. 359-363). New York: Information Science Reference.
Başgöze, Z. (2008). Emotional conflict resolution in healthy and depressed populations [Master’s thesis], Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute, Cognitive Science.
Nair, A. U., Klimes-Dougan, B., Başgöze, Z., Silamongkol, T., Roediger, D. J., Mueller, B. A., Albott, C. S., Croarkin, P. E., Lim, K. O., Widge, A., Nahas, Z., Eberly, L. E., Cullen, K. R., & Thai, M. E. (2025). Deep Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Adolescents with Treatment-Resistant Depression: Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Clinical Improvement. Journal of Affective Disorders. 372, 665-675.
Poirot, M. G. Boucherie, D. E., Caan, M. W. A., Goya-Maldonado, R., Belov, B., Corruble, E., Colle, R., Couvy-Duchesne, B., Kamishikiryo, T., Shinzato, H., Ichikawa, N., Okada, G., Okamoto, Y., Harrison, B. J., Davey, C. G., Jamieson, A. J., Cullen, K. R., Başgöze, Z., … & Schrantee, A. (2025) Predicting Antidepressant Treatment Response From Cortical Structure on MRI: A Mega-Analysis From the ENIGMA-MDD Working Group. Human Brain Mapping, 46(1), 1-15.
Klimes-Dougan, B., Wiglesworth, A., Başgöze, Z., & Cullen, K.R. (2024). Seeing adolescents grow from many angles using a multilevel approach: A tribute to the contributions of Dante Cicchetti to the field of developmental psychopathology. Development and Psychopathology, 1–13. doi:10.1017/S0954579424001123
Thai, M., Başgöze, Z., Westlund Schreiner M., Roediger, D. J., Falke, C.A., Mueller, B. A., Fiecas, M. B., Quevedo K., Pfeifer J. H., Klimes-Dougan, B., & Cullen, K. R. (2024). A multi-modal assessment of self-knowledge in adolescents with non-suicidal self-injury: A Research Domains Criteria (RDoC) study. Psychological Medicine, Sep 9:1-12. doi: 10.1017/S0033291724001399. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 39246282.
Belov, V., Erwin-Grabner, T., Aghajani, M., Aleman, A., Amod, A. R., Basgoze, Z., ... & ENIGMA Major Depressive Disorder working group https://enigma. ini. usc. edu/ongoing/enigma-mdd-working-group/. (2024). Multi-site benchmark classification of major depressive disorder using machine learning on cortical and subcortical measures. Scientific reports, 14(1), 1084.
Carosella, K. A., Mirza, S. A., Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. (2023). Adolescent non-suicidal self-injury during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective longitudinal study of biological predictors of maladaptive emotion regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 151:106056.
Başgöze, Z., Demers, L., Thai, M., Falke, C. A., Roediger, D. J., Mueller, B. A., Fiecas, M. B., Thomas, K., Klimes-Dougan, B., Cullen. K. R. (2023). A Multi-Level Examination of Cognitive Control in Adolescents with Non-suicidal Self-Injury. Biological Psychiatry Global Open Science. 3(4), 855-866.
Carosella, K. A., Wiglesworth, A., Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. 'The Brain and Body’s Threat-System Functioning in Those With NSSI', in Elizabeth Lloyd-Richardson, Imke Baetens, and Janis Whitlock (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury (online edn, Oxford Academic, 23 Feb. 2023).
Carosella, K. A., Mirza, S. A., Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K. R., & Klimes-Dougan, B. (2023). Adolescent non-suicidal self-injury during the COVID-19 pandemic: a prospective longitudinal study of biological predictors of maladaptive emotion regulation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 106056.
van Velzen, L. S., Dauvermann, M. R., Colic, L., Villa, L. M., Savage, H. S., Toenders, Y. J., Başgöze, Z., ... & Schmaal, L. (2022). Structural brain alterations associated with suicidal thoughts and behaviors in young people: results from 21 international studies from the ENIGMA Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviours consortium. Molecular psychiatry, 1-11.
Klimes-Dougan, B., Başgöze, Z., Mueller, B., Wiglesworth, A., Carosella, K. A., Westlund Schreiner, M., Bortnova, A., Reigstad, K., Cullen, K. R., & Gunlicks-Stoessel, M. (2022). Structural and Functional Neural Correlates of Treatment Response for Interpersonal Psychotherapy for Depressed Adolescents. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 11(7), 1878.
Patel, Y., Shin, J., Abé, C., Agartz, I., Alloza, C., Alnæs, D., Başgöze, Z., .... & Skoch, A. (2022). Virtual ontogeny of cortical growth preceding mental illness. Biological Psychiatry, 92(4):299-313.
Campos, A. I., Van Velzen, L. S., Veltman, D. J., Pozzi, E., Ambrogi, S., Ballard, E. D., Nerisa, B, Başgöze Z.,.. & Renteria, M. E. (2021). Concurrent validity and reliability of suicide risk assessment instruments: A meta analysis of 20 instruments across 27 international cohorts. medRxiv.
Başgöze Z, Wiglesworth A, Carosella KA, Klimes-Dougan B, Cullen KR. Depression, Non-Suicidal Self-Injury, and Suicidality in Adolescents: Common and Distinct Precursors, Correlates, and Outcomes. Journal of Psychiatry and Brain Science. 2021;6:e210018.
Başgöze, Z., Mirza S. A., Silamongkol, T., Hill, D., Falke, C., Thai, M., Westlund Schreiner, M., Parenteau, A. M., Roediger, D. J. , Hendrickson, T. J., Mueller, B. A., Fiecas, M. B., Klimes-Dougan, B., Cullen. K. R. (2021). Multi-modal assessment of Sustained Threat in Adolescents with Non-suicidal Self-Injury. Development and Psychopathology, 1–19.
Cholewiak, S.A. , Başgöze, Z., Cakmakci, O., Hoffman, D.M. and Cooper E.A. (2020). A Perceptual Eyebox for Near-eye displays. Optics Express, 28(25), 38008-38038. [code]
Thai, M., Başgöze, Z., Klimes-Dougan, B., Mueller, B.A., Fiecas, M., Lim, K.O., Albott, C. S., Cullen, K.R. (2020). Neural and Behavioral Correlates of Clinical Improvement to Ketamine in Adolescents With Treatment Resistant Depression. Front. Psychiatry 11:820.
Başgöze, Z., White, D.N. , Burge, J., and Cooper, E.A. (2020). Natural image statistics at depth edges modulate perceptual stability. Journal of Vision, 20(8):10. 1-21. [data/code]
Başgöze, Z, Gualtieri, J, Sachs, M.T., and Cooper, E.A. (2020). Navigational Aid Use by Individuals with Visual Impairments, Journal on Technology & Persons with Disabilities, 8(19), 22-39.
Başgöze, Z, Mackey A.P., and Cooper, E.A. Plasticity and Adaptation in Adult Binocular Vision (2018). Current Biology, 28(24), PR1406-R1413.
Başgöze, Z., Gönül, A. S., Başkak B. , Gökçay, D. (2015). Valence-based Word-Face Stroop task reveals differential emotional interference in patients with major depression, Psychiatry Research, 229(3), 960-7.
Başgöze, Z. (2015). The localization of emotional stroop activations in healthy and major depressive disorder populations using fMRI, Middle East Technical University [Doctoral Dissertation]. Informatics Institute, Cognitive Science.
Musgrove, D. R., Eberly, L. E., Klimes-Dougan, B., Başgöze, Z., Thomas, K. M., Mueller, B. A., Houri, A., Lim, K. O., Cullen, K. R. (2015). Impaired Bottom-Up Effective Connectivity Between Amygdala and Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex in Unmedicated Adolescents with Major Depression: Results from a Dynamic Causal Modeling Analysis, Brain Connectivity, 5(10), 608-19.
Başgöze, Z., Cullen, K., Gokcay, D. (2014). Cognitive and emotional components of emotional conflict resolution: an fMRI study. Journal of Istanbul Medical School. Vol: 77, Supplement 1.
Başgöze, Z., & Inam, A. (2011). Epilogue: A Philosophical Perspective on Incorporating Emotions in Human Computer Interaction. In D. Gokcay, & G. Yildirim, Affective Computing and Interaction: Psychological, Cognitive and Neuroscientific Perspectives (pp. 359-363). New York: Information Science Reference.
Başgöze, Z. (2008). Emotional conflict resolution in healthy and depressed populations [Master’s thesis], Middle East Technical University, Informatics Institute, Cognitive Science.